
Video Marketing

We believe that video marketing is the most powerful way to reach the people you want to do business with. We are not alone in that belief. There are actual facts to back up this claim! YouTube reports that mobile video consumption rises 100% every year!

Video allows for multiple ways of communicating in one source: still images, moving images, text and sound. No smell or touch ... yet!

Video paired with email marketing can lead to impressive results. Video in an email leads to 200-300% increase in click-through rate! Along the same lines, video on a landing page can increase conversion by 80%.

Videos work. Here's some proof ...

Here's another impressive stat:
65% of executives visit a company website and 39% call a vendor after viewing a video. Video works! Are you using it effectively?
If not give, us a call ... 757-416-6109!

Are You On YouTube?

Here's a "did you know" fact ... YouTube is the second largest search engine on the internet. Now more than ever searchers are going to YouTube to find out how to repair a leaky sink, maximize their financial returns, improve their health and a myriad of other queries.

Are you the expert in your local area that potential customers are finding on YouTube? Even if the YouTube visitor is simply looking for helpful information, you could be the source of knowledge they need. That makes you an authoritative voice for your product or service.

Here's another statistic to ponder: 59% of executives would rather watch video than read text. What are you waiting for? Let's get started!

Video Optimization

So, you just need to slap some videos on YouTube and business will be booming, right? Wrong! There's a few steps to consider as you make your videos and post them. 

  • Create content customers need or want
  •  Make sure Google & YouTube understand your video
  •  Don't forget the Call to Action!
  •  Promote it! Share the video on as many outlets as possible.

As you develop each of these steps, your videos  and your business will be seen by more people. Questions? Ask us - 757-416-6109.

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